Monday, September 19, 2011

Sunrise Blessings

I am so tired tonight. I am fighting with my eyes to stay open. They want to close sooooo badly. I was up at 5 am this morning to get ready to head to the hospital for my pre-op appointment. I am having surgery next Wednesday to get one of the screws taken out of my ankle. The surgeon said I will have more movement in my ankle once that screw is taken out. YAY!

As I am driving to the hospital and the sky is starting to get pink....I barely noticed because I was so anxious about the appointment. But then once I'm sitting in a waiting room I look out the window and the sky is gorgeous shades of orange and red growing into purple then blue with some white clouds scattered here and there. What a blessing. Wish I had gotten a picture.

Another blessing was meeting the anesthetist doctor. Such a nice man. Totally called his wife during my appointment just to ask her a question. He also laughed at my hand... which had a happy face drawn on it in permanent marker thanks to one of the girls from Chaos (sr. high youth group at our church) last night. I tried so hard to wash it off... but no success there. The nurse who took blood laughed too. You'd think with all the hand sanitizer there it would've helped....haha....nope. It calms the nerves a bit to be able to joke with the staff at the hospital. Definitely a blessing.

Being as tired as I am right now I wasn't tired at all today. I was super busy at work, which made the day FLY by! Honestly, two hours felt like two minutes. I love days like that. Where you are so into what you're doing - you don't even notice the clock.

Well, I am going to give in to my pillow and head off to dreamland.

Sweet dreams my friends...

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