Saturday, February 7, 2009

My First Blog Award!!

WHOA!! It has been a super SUPER long time since I have posted. I am so sorry! And as you will see below, I have won my very first blog award. I am posting this now, but I will need some time to figure out how to do all the linking and stuff. I received it from Shirley at Card Art Ect. Thanks Shirley!! I am so honoured! I will be nominating others, again once I have figured out how to do that exactly. So I mainly wanted to say that I am still here, and that I will try to post more often - as I am also trying to make cards more often. Thanks for dropping by!!

The rules are:

1. Link to the person who gave you the award
2. Nominate 10 more persons
3. Link the nominees and let them know about the award
4. Post the award on my blog

The 10 nominees are:


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