Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Long Overdue


So it has been years since I have posted on the blog...where has the time gone. And I wouldn't have given it a second thought if I wasn't sitting here with no where to go and nothing to do. I broke my ankle/leg on February 27 and have been laid up since then. I was in the hospital for almost a week where I had surgery and recovered. I have been home now for just about three weeks. All that was entertaining me up to this point...just isn't anymore. I have been healing and growing and a blog seems like something that I can do to keep up with that and make sure that I'm doing things that I enjoy. I can't do any scrappin or card making right now as I can't get around to get my stuff and I don't have the heart to ask my family to do that for me. So I will have to be creative in some other way. I was on a blog today where the individual shared things like what she was reading or wanting to read, movies she was going to see, pictures she enjoyed and music she liked listening to as well as her scrapped creations. This is my goal. To share. Starting......NOW.

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